Final Dr. Roush report for the Juvenile Detention Center

Cornerstone Strategic Consulting

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Shelby County Sheriff Floyd Bonner, Jr. is excited to share a report by Juvenile Justice expert Dr. David Roush about his work with youth detained at juvenile court over the past 10 years. Dr. Roush literally wrote the book about best practices in juvenile facilities. The Department of Justice (DOJ) hired him to take a hard look at the detention facility and, after the court voluntarily agreed to undertake reform, he remained for years as the DOJ consultant to oversee needed changes for the benefit of the youth and staff.

Newly elected Judge Dan Michael asked the Sheriff’s Office to build on the insightful foundation for reform his team had started. (p. 25). When the Sheriff’s Office came to the facility in mid-2015, Dr. Roush’s insights and training were invaluable. As soon as DOJ oversight ended in 2018, Sheriff Bonner hired Dr. Roush to continue as a consultant to ensure the progress would continue.

The entire report is on the website, but here are some excerpts:

A change in culture based on data, research, and intensive training on programs to reinforce positive behavior resulted in a safer facility for youth and staff. “At the heart of these changes is the importance of powerfully positive relationships between youth and staff.” (p. 2). Youth have input into policies governing behavior, discipline, and rewards.

Sheriff Bonner was elected in 2018 and his team “accelerated the pace of change” and the reports “revealed unprecedented reductions in negative indicators which translated into significant increases in youth and staff safety. (p. 5). Leadership continues to get great marks and national attention for reducing room confinement without “disruption and chaos” following. (pp. 13-14).

Data-driven decisions—reliable data was analyzed and was a basis for change, but grace, kindness, forgiveness and compassion also led to a safe environment. (p. 2).

The Shelby County Sheriff’s Office sent clear messages to youth staff, and the public: Youth are NOT adults and detainees are “OUR children,” not someone else’s troubled, dangerous, or junior criminals. The beauty of the Shelby County experience is how powerfully staff helped youth without sacrificing accountability. (p. 2).

Response to suicidal ideation and self-injurious behaviors has been exemplary and the hypervigilance and careful practice should continue. (p. 7-8).

De-escalation, intervention, and evidence-based trainings have been provided for staff to instill confidence, (pp. 26-28), programming/education, staffing and volunteers have been greatly expanded, mental health services are on-site and actively involved in programs. (pp. 26-29).

The facility is cleaner, brighter, full of art, and positive behavior posters to help youth understand expectations. There are daily rewards for their positive behavior which they can “cash in” in various ways. (pp. 321-36).

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